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It was surveyed that most retailers want to start a smart shopping cart business plan

Views: 25     Author: Cindy     Publish Time: 2021-11-15      Origin: Site

Superhii technology company is one of many technology companies looking to streamline the process of shopping and checking out in physical stores .Such initiatives are driven in a part by a quest for new cost efficiencies given the traditionally razor-thin profit margins in the retail business .

Now more and more retailers want to start a smart shopping cart business plan , there are four reasons :

(1) Covid-19 is an accelerator .

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic , social distancing and contact-less transactions have been emphasized . The smart shopping cart maybe the most appropriate tool to help retailers realize contact-less transactions .

Moreover ,the smart shopping cart could quicken the shopping process and decrease the customer’s stay time in the store , it’s equivalent to make customers keep social distancing .

Besides , the smart shopping cart has an anti-bacterial coating which could help prevent the viruses and bacteria , it is safer to shop using a smart shopping cart than an ordinary shopping cart .

(2) Checking- out free is appealing .

The smart shopping cart is designed for supermarkets and retail stores . For customers shopping in a supermarket and retail stores ,they could directly scan bar codes of items in the shopping process and pay for the shopping bill directly on the smart shopping cart .

As the smart shopping cart is accepted by more and more customers , retailers saw an opportunity to take the checkout-free shopping experience to a wider market with the smart shopping cart ,and they determined to start a smart shopping cart business plan .

smart shopping cart business plan

One more reason is that waiting in lines at the cash counter has been a serve problem in a traditional supermarket shopping scene , customers has complained a lot about the long queues .

With the smart shopping cart , long queues will not exist any more .At the same time , customers satisfaction will increase .

(3) Increasing  sales revenue .

Retailers think that the smart shopping cart could bring much benefits to their stores , the most obvious benefit is that the smart shopping cart could increase the sales revenues of the retail store .

Why can this be realized ?

The smart shopping cart could record and collect customers’ shopping data in the whole shopping process ,based on these data , the cart will know every customers’ shopping preference and then send promotional information and coupons to customers . This means the smart shopping cart will recommend to you items you really need and plan to buy .

Also , the smart shopping cart could send related items’ recommendations to customers , for example , if you buy some snacks , the cart will recommend to you some drinks .If you buy some bread , the cart will send you some butter to fit with your bread .

This will surely increase per customer transaction , accordingly , the total sales revenue in the store will increase .(Editor: Superhii , Cindy Xin)

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Founded in August, 2015, SuperHii  Co., Ltd. is a world-class digital solution provider for supermarkets, a forerunner for smart shopping cart solutions as well as a supplier of well-known smart shopping cart R&D at home and abroad.

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