What happens when a smart cart goes hand in hand with self-checkout kiosks


Superhii smart carts have been launched in many overseas countries worldwide, including Japan, the Philippines, Kuwait, UAE, France, and Germany. To meet different customers’ payment requirements, Superhii Ltd has adjusted its smart cart payment method options.


In Japan, Self-Checkout is popular, where you go through your purchases yourself and pay without the need for a cashier or a person to do so. Superhii smart carts integrate with self-checkout kiosks in Japanese supermarkets and convenience stores.


So what happens when a smart cart goes hand in hand with self-checkout kiosks?


(1) Self-checkout kiosks are not new in Japan.


Automatic payment machines in markets and stores are not new to Japan. Some automatic machines are called fare adjustments, these fare adjustments are widely used in metro or train stations. Other automatic payment machines are called self-checkout ATMs or self-checkout kiosks, they are widely used in supermarkets or convenience stores.


In 2013 alone, there were more than 200,000 self-checkout units spread across the world. Not just markets, but libraries, CD stores, and many others use this system which is growing more and more.


Technological advances are made every year. Up to 2020, self-checkout kiosks are available almost in all supermarkets and convenience stores in Japan.

While honesty is the main reason that these self-checkout kiosks may face. When self-checkout kiosks are integrated with smart carts, these questions no longer exist.




(2) Integrating smart carts and self-checkout kiosks provide you frictionless and efficient shopping experience.


The first batch of Superhii smart carts was deployed in Japanese supermarkets in 2019. After that, more and more batches of smart carts were brought into Japan market.

Superhii Ltd integrates its smart carts with self-checkout kiosks to help you finish the payment process.


Let’s look at the whole shopping process using Superhii smart carts which integrate self-checkout kiosks.


You login via the smart cart screen to use the smart cart, then you begin to wander in the supermarket. You select items and scan items’ bar codes, as the smart cart has an automatic billing system, it displays items’ price information and other information automatically after your scan.


When you forget to scan certain items’ bar codes, but directly throw the item into the smart cart basket. The smart cart knows it has a weight sensor and other multiple loss prevention algorithms.


When you have done shopping, you receive your shopping bills via the smart cart screen. You use a flexible bar code scanner to scan your shopping bill QR code, your shopping bill will be transferred to the self-checkout kiosks at the exit.


The payment process seems quite simple. Self-checkout kiosks support various payment methods, including cash, credit card, and other online payment methods.


It’s no doubt that when smart cart goes hand in hand with self-checkout kiosks, the shopping process has been very smooth and efficient.